Zirconium Nickel Powder (Zr-Ni), Zirconium Nickel Powder Manufacturers

Zirconium Nickel Powder (Zr-Ni)

Molecular Formula : ZrNi

Zirconium Nickel Powder is manufactured according to the specifications as noted below. Additionally, if you have custom requirements regarding either purity and/or granulation, we can likewise meet those standards.

Product ID Purity ZR % NI % Particle diameter Specification Download PDF
1. ZRNI 70-30 96% min 70% ±4 30% ±4 avg. 5.0 ±3 microns MIL-Z-11410B
1. ZRNI 70-30 96% min 30% ±4 70% ±4 avg. 5.0 ±3 microns MIL-Z-11410B
3. Custom Requirements [Purity and/or granulation]: Please Inquire
  • Packaging:in Double seamed Tin cans

Zirconium Nickel alloy 70/30 C Applications

  • Zirconium/Nickel alloy powders find application in various pyrotechnic and ordnance areas. They are used in squibs, delay mixtures and initiators
Whats New

Custom Spec & Particle Size Requirement

In addition to our standard Mil spec materials, powders can be formulated and milled to meet your custom purity and particles size requirements.

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