h Titanium Hydride Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter - Shree Babaji Chemicals
Titanium Hydride (TiH2),Titanium Hydride Manufacturers

Titanium Hydride (TiH2)

CAS-No. 7704-98-5 , Molecular Formula : TiH₂

Titanium Hydride is manufactured according to the specifications noted below. Additionally, if you have custom requirements regarding granulation, we can likewise meet those standards.

Product ID Purity Hydrogen Particle diameter Download PDF
1. TIH 94% min 3.7% min avg. 4.8 – 5.2 microns
2. Custom Requirements [Granulation]: Please Inquire
  • Packaging: In Double seamed Tin cans

Titanium Hydride Applications

  • Titanium hydride powders find application in both pyrotechnic and metallurgical areas.
  • They are utilized in initiator squibs and igniters. .
  • They are also used as getters in the manufacture of vacuum tubes, as brazing aids in sealing ceramics to metals, the introduction of titanium to alloys; as reservoir for pure hydrogen; as hydrogen source for foaming metals; as a deoxidizing agent and for the absorption of carbon in powder metallurgy; for the production of Ti alloys and semi-finished sintered articles; as a constituent in AlNiCo and TiCoNaI sintered magnets; used for increasing the coercivity of FeNiCoAlCu magnets.
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Custom Spec & Particle Size Requirement

In addition to our standard Mil spec materials, powders can be formulated and milled to meet your custom purity and particles size requirements.

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